"Between solitude and peace, between changes, losses and memories" (2021)
50х70 см
canvas, varnish, print, print 1/20
(In)visible city
A summer woman sits in the park — among nature, among space, among silence.
She is barely noticeable. She gazes at the spot where there used to be a pond, but it's no longer there. The vanished pond as a symbol of change, loss, and memory. It's not just a place, but a trace of what was, but is no more.
Is it about loneliness or solitude? About the desire to be alone with thoughts or, on the contrary, to feel the presence of people, even without interacting with them?
Is she seeking attention or hiding from it?
Sometimes the line between these states is so thin that even those who sit in this silence don't always know the answer. Or no longer remember.
Print 1/20.
Can be printed on any surface and in any size, details upon request.
Buy "Between solitude and peace, between changes, losses and memories" (2021)
50х70 см
canvas, varnish, print, print 1/20
(In)visible city
A summer woman sits in the park — among nature, among space, among silence.
She is barely noticeable. She gazes at the spot where there used to be a pond, but it's no longer there. The vanished pond as a symbol of change, loss, and memory. It's not just a place, but a trace of what was, but is no more.
Is it about loneliness or solitude? About the desire to be alone with thoughts or, on the contrary, to feel the presence of people, even without interacting with them?
Is she seeking attention or hiding from it?
Sometimes the line between these states is so thin that even those who sit in this silence don't always know the answer. Or no longer remember.
Print 1/20.
Can be printed on any surface and in any size, details upon request.
Ask "Between solitude and peace, between changes, losses and memories" (2021)
50х70 см
canvas, varnish, print, print 1/20
(In)visible city
A summer woman sits in the park — among nature, among space, among silence.
She is barely noticeable. She gazes at the spot where there used to be a pond, but it's no longer there. The vanished pond as a symbol of change, loss, and memory. It's not just a place, but a trace of what was, but is no more.
Is it about loneliness or solitude? About the desire to be alone with thoughts or, on the contrary, to feel the presence of people, even without interacting with them?
Is she seeking attention or hiding from it?
Sometimes the line between these states is so thin that even those who sit in this silence don't always know the answer. Or no longer remember.
Print 1/20.
Can be printed on any surface and in any size, details upon request.